Real Estate Assistants for agents in Chicagoland
Realtor Essentials
Let me guess -- you don't have enough time & you would like to make more money. We can do that for you!
I'm a New Agent
Here are the top 3 things you need to do in order to be ready to sell today, and we'll do it for you!
If you prefer, you can order via phone by calling: 708.888.1049
Develop Rapport with a FaceBook "Business Page"
Post to Facebook for Me
Get Automatic Online Backup
Setup a Custom Website for me
Setup Antivirus for Me
Create a CMA for Me
Help Train Me on How to Do a CMA
Find, Interview, and Hire a Full-time Assistant for Me.
A Point in the Right Direction - Expert Advice
Phone What Giga-Byte Plan?? Advice Please
Get Setup on Zillow
Get Setup on Trulia & MLSNI*
Advertise My Listing on Google
Mail Me a Basic Laptop Computer
Setup LoneWolf for Me
Get Google "Plus" So Clients Can Find You
Give Me Hands On Phone/Computer Training
Whatever You Can Think Of - Just Call (Negotiable)

Send My Email on a Future Date
Train Me on Windows 8, or Any Other Software
Call My Client on My Behalf (missing paperwork, testimonial, "I'm Sick Today")
Marketing, Rough Draft, & Identity Advice
When you hire talented people...
you become talented yourself!
Call Now! (708) 888-1049
Help Center
If you need help ordering any of our services, please don't hesitate to call 708.888.1049