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Help Train Me on How to do a CMA…


Here's your chance to ask questions...


Once you click the buy now button below, you'll be asked for a good time to call you back and which address you'd like to use for the example CMA (you might want to choose your own home or a property where you'll be on a listing appointment.)


Please be prepared to be at a computer with a nice connection speed to the Internet like at your office (If you don't have Internet at home, Starbucks and McDonalds have good speeds too). Also, you may want to have a phone with a speaker on it (any cell phone will do.)


We'll prepare a little before our call, so it's nice to have an address you want to practice on before our online appointment. Once you have a computer and phone, we'll ask you to click a link on our webpage that will start an online hands-on-interactive webinar.


We'll be able to share each other's computer screens, and you'll see a webcam video of us as we explain how to do a CMA. We'll ask you to log into ConnectMLS (we won't see your password,) and once in, we'll explain step by step how to use ConnectMLS to do a professional "Cloud CMA". We'll even explain advanced features such as the rubberband polygon map search and the tax database in Connect, as well as, outside sites such as county tax sites that many times list square feet.


Best of all -- our online session will be recorded, thrown on a private Youtube channel so only you can view it, and you'll be able to refer to it for each of your future CMA appointments.


Please note that the $74.99 investment is for a 45-60 minute session. By the end of it, you'll know exactly how to price ANY home! However, if you ask a lot of real estate questions unrelated to the CMA, and we run over the 1 hour time, we'll have to figure out some type of additional prorated fee as an optional tip to us. But don't worry, we're very loose and you'll like us so much that...


Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.


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